Nursing Matters is an advocacy organisation working on supporting, protecting and aiding breastfeeding infants in Britain.
Breastfeeding is a global issue and we recognise that whilst much of our direct work is within England, Scotland and Wales, breastfeeding priorities and issues cannot be dealt with solely at local levels. Therefore we work where, and when, and in whatever way, infants need us to.
- We campaign directly on behalf of all breastfeeding infants; to ensure their human rights are upheld by all agencies, statutory or otherwise, who deal with the infants and their families.
- We will support any and all other breastfeeding support agencies in furthering awareness and support of breastfeeding priorities.
- We offer practical support on breastfeeding matters for breastfeeding infants whose mothers, or mothers to be, are disadvantaged economically and politically, by immigration and asylum policies.
- We do not provide lactation support for individual mothers and their breastfeeding babies, but will liaise with the organisations which do so, in order that each and every breastfeeding baby gets the practical help and support they and their mother require.
- While individual advocates may be paid for their time, we are a voluntary organisation and as such are dependent on donations and fundraising in our work.
- We adhere strictly to the WHO International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes, and subsequent WHA Resolutions, and will not work, liaise or enter into sponsorship with any company or individual that breaks Code in any way.
Please complete this form if you are an individual who would like advocacy for a breastfeeding infant or child.
Please contact us here if you represent an organisation and would like to know more.
For our fee structure, please see this document.